You will need to do this after all other edits in the document as other wise the page numbering may change. Windows Media Player (WMP) is a media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for playing audio, video and viewing images on personal computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as on Pocket PC and Windows Mobile-based devices. The Header& Footer section of the Header & Footer Tools>Design tab of the ribbon and then select the Format Page Numbers item and in the Page Number Format dialog that appears, select the page number that you want to appear on that page from the Start at: Drag the specified page you will move, and then drop to. And now you will see the headings are shown as page numbers. Click the Headings tab on the Navigation Pane. To get the page number that you want in the Section following the page, click on the Page Number dropdown in Please repeat this step to type and format as Heading 1 at the beginning of, , type Page N and format as Heading 1 at the beginning of Page N. Then you can remove the page number from the Section containing the page. Previous button in the Header and Footer Tools>Design tab of the ribbon. Select the Different First Page check box.You will need to insert Section Breaks to separate that page from the rest of the document, and then in the header or footer, depending upon where you have the pages numbers in both the Section containing that page and the Section after it click Link to.On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the arrow button on the right bottom corner.Note: If you do not want your cover page to have the page number, do the following : Word will insert page number starting with number. Then, on the Insert tab, within the group Header & Footer, click the Page Number drop-down and then click Current Position drop-down list and select Plain Number format. Now, place cursor at the Footer section of the fourth page.
#How to format page numbers in word 2003 how to
The following procedure shows how to insert Roman numerals on the Footer section of the first three pages of a document and then integers for the rest of the document.įirstly, will divide the document into two sections by applying a Section Break. Each document section can have unique page number format. To achieve such page numbering style in MS Word, we need to use Section Breaks.
In the Table of Contents Options dialog, give the level to the relative heading you use, in my case, I give the Heading 1 and Heading 6 the level 1.
or A, B, C,….etc.) in different sections of a document? Many writers follow this convention of using Roman numerals in the initial few pages and continue with integer numbers for the rest of the pages of the document. In the Table of Contents dialog, keep Show page numbers, Right align page numbers and Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers options checked, click Options. What if you need to use different page number formats (1, 2,….or I, II, ….